Skin Beauty Tips
Perfect beauty is a fashionable concept for girls. If you experience much
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good about yourself by making your looks attractive, you might get extra pleasure in your life. Some girl’s especially teen agers spend more money and time on their beauty works. There are enormous beauty tips available for girls, and also number of stages for a beauty course that you have to be followed.
General tips for your beauty:
All the following tips should be done every day. You should drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water every day. You should take food which contains vitamins like A and C. you have to drink a healthy juice before the day begins, and juice is made by mixing of honey, lemon, and water. Honey is a beautiful medicine which keeps your skin smooth and shiny.
Every day in the night, you can massage your skin with milk to make your skin smooth, because milk contains many ingredients which also can be used as moisturizer. You should also use humidifiers which keep your skin moist. You should not use cold water to bath. Hot water bath will blush your skin.
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You should eat more fruits and vegetables, can avoid junk foods.
Beauty means not only skin, but also body care, eye care, lip care, and hair care like healthy and shiny hair, dandruff, premature graying.
Body skin care tips:
- Prepare a mixture of banana mash and add some curd based on you requirement, you can use mixture to massage all over the body for 15 min and take bath, the paste of mixture removes the blackness of skin. This procedure should be followed daily to obtain a smooth and soft skin.
- If you have cracked heals, you can massage with coconut oil and place your foot in warm water for 20 minutes.
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- For the girls who have rough palms can use mixture of glycerin, lime juice in equal proportions.
- Mix two teaspoon glycerin, six teaspoon petroleum jelly, and two teaspoon lemon juice. If you have flaky and dry, legs and arms, you can apply this as like moisturizing lotion at least thrice a week.
Scalp care tips for healthy and shiny hair:
- Prepare a mixture of 1 tea spoon of honey, 1 tea spoon of olive oil, and 1 tea spoon of lime. Further add one egg to it, apply it thoroughly on hair for shiny and healthy hair.
- Initially apply some aome oil to your hair, and then apply henna powder leave for 20 minutes. This will make your hair to look gorgeous.
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- Use plain yogurt all over your hair for 20 to 25 min. you will have soft shiny hair
- Prepare a mixture with a cup each mustard and coconut oil and Soak a cup of curry leaves in the oil mixture prepared already and keep it for aside for whole night. The following day morning, heat it slowly on a fire till the curry leaves turns into a crisp. Let it become cool and add two or three camphor pieces. Apply this oil to your hair from roots using cotton wool in circular movements. Leave as it is overnight and take shampoo bath in the following day’s morning. Repeat this thrice a week to obtain excellent results.
Eye care tips:
- You can use potato by applying regularly for 30 min to get rid of dark circles under your eye.
- You can massage with few drops of honey to get rid of wrinkles.
- You can use rose water to keep your eyes clean and fresh.
- You can apply cold tea bags to reduce dark circles.
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- You can place cotton dipped in cold milk on your eyes to remove dirt.
- Make a paste of nutmeg and sandal wood. You can apply this paste before sleeping in the night.
- You can use a small pinch of salt in lukewarm water and wash for sparkling and bright eyes.
Lip care tips:
- You should apply beetroot juice every night to make your lips beautiful.
- You can apply a mixture of glycerin, lime juice and honey on lips every day before sleep. You should gently massage while applying to your lips for 10 -15 minutes.
- You can massage your lips by means of coriander leaf juice for rosy and soft lips.
Credit: Corbis
Skin care tips:
- For cleansing purpose you can use natural cleanser cucumber along with milk. Apply to your face for 10 min. It also balances Ph of your skin.
- For fades spots apply carrot juice daily. For neck and under arms apply lemon and cucumber mix.
Credit: sheknows
- Apply the combination of cream of milk and raw turmeric on the face and clean it after 25 minutes. It will craft your skin fair.